H-Sphere Documentation Sysadmin Guide

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Merchant Gateway Configuration


Related Docs:  

Merchant Gateway Manager (Admin Guide) Restarting H-Sphere

This document explains how to install or configure the following gateways:

- CyberCash
- Echo
- ePDQ
- InterCept
- IonGate
- LinkPoint
- LinkPoint Java
- NetBilling (not released yet)
- Paradata
- PayAndShop
- Plug'n Pay
- PSiGate
- SecureTrading (not released yet)
- Skipjack
- SurePay
- VeriSign Payflow Pro
- Verisign Payflow Pro with SSL Support


Installing CyberCash

To install CyberCash merchant gateway, do the following:

  1. Get registered.
  2. Download file mck-3.3.1-i586-pc-linux-gnulibc2.1.
  3. Make this file executable.
  4. Run install, choose YES I ACCEPT.
  5. Set up Shared-Server installation (./configure --asp)
  6. When prompted, choose Perl as the language that you want to allow your merchants to use:
    What type of CGI scripts would you like to support? (P/C/B) [Perl]:
    • Perl - Requires Perl version 5.005 or higher;
    • C - Requires an ANSI compatible C compiler;
    • Both - Requires both of the abovementioned language compilers.
  7. Specify the location for the build-merchant script.
    As an ASP, you have the options of either allowing your merchants to install their own MCK or building it for them yourself. If you wish to allow merchants to install their own MCK, the build-merchant script needs to be copied to a directory that is in the execution path of all users. This script will give merchants the ability to setup their own configurations, and optionally install the customized configurations to their WEB server directories.

    Do you wish to copy the build-merchant script to a public location? (y/n) [n]:

  8. The Merchant Connection Kit Perl scripts refer to libraries and utilities to perform common functions. These files must be installed to a directory that is accessible to the MCK CGI scripts.

    NOTE: This directory should be a permanent location for these files. If removed or relocated at a later time, any existing merchant CGI's will no longer work.

      Where do you want to install the Perl utilities?
      > /hsphere/shared/lib/cybercash
      Directory /hsphere/shared/lib/cybercash does not exist, create it? (y/n) [n]: y
      Modifying Shared-Server utilities ...
      Installing Perl libraries and utilities.
      ASP Shared-Server Configuration complete.
    You can now customize any templates or scripts in the 'master-merchant' directory. These files will be used as a basis for building new MCK installations for your merchants.
  9. Change path to CyberCash libs in CyberCashWrapper.pl.


Installing Echo

To install Echo merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the openecho.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing ePDQ

To install ePDQ merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the CcxClientApi.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing InterCept

To install InterCept merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the xtran.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Configuring IonGate

In July 2003 IonGate has updated its ssl certificate. The new certificate is trusted by Equifax. Since the standard java cartcerts file doesn't include Equifax public certificate, H-Sphere returns "Connect error, untrusted server cert chain" when trying to connect to the merchant gateway. To fix this, use the keytool feature available in the standard java installation:

  1. Download equifax.crt.cer file:
    wget http://www.psoft.net/shiv/files/merchants/equifax.crt.cer
  2. Place the equifax.crt.cer file in the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/ directory
  3. As root, allow read/write access to the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts file
    chmod 666 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  4. Log in as the cpanel user:
    su -l cpanel
  5. Go to the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/ directory:
    cd /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/
  6. Run the following command:
    keytool -import -alias equifax -file equifax.crt.cer -keystore cacerts
  7. Enter the password to make an access to the cacerts file (the default password is: "changeit")
  8. As root, change permissions back on the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts file:
    chmod 444 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts


Installing LinkPoint

To use LinkPoint, you should first compile ccapi.order script. To do this:

  1. Log into your control panel server as root and go to the following directory:
  2. Unpack api.tar.gz with the following command:
    tar -xzf api.tar.gz
  3. Go to the directory that corresponds to your operation system.
  4. Copy liblpapi.a to /usr/lib/ with the following command:
    cp liblpapi.a /usr/lib/.
  5. Return to /hsphere/shared/scripts/LinkPoint directory.
  6. Run make and make install to compile script and install this script into /hsphere/shared/scripts directory.

Second, put a user certificate received from LinkPoint to a separate file and specify the path to this file in the control panel.


Configuring LinkPoint Java

When PSiGate is set up, H-Sphere generates names for *.der files. You should store Certificate and Key sent by LinkPoint Java using the generated filenames in the /hpshere/home/cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/psigate directory.

If you received files in the .pem format, you must convert them into the .der format. To do it:

  1. Log into you control panel server as user cpanel;
  2. Go to /hpshere/home/cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/linkpoint directory;
  3. Run the following utilities substituting 'your_file' with your own:
  4. for certificate: openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in your_file.pem -out your_file.der
    for key: openssl rsa -inform PEM -outform DER -in your_file.pem -out your_file.der

To install LinkPoint Java merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the ccc_ssl.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Configuring NetBilling

If you have probems with the NetBilling, make sure that the direct-java-2.3.3.jar file is available in your /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/java_rt/ directory and the path to this file is added into /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties


Installing Paradata

To install LinkPoint merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the trans_client_jsse.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.

Note: Make sure to include trans_client_jsse.jar after the rt.jar string but before the jce1_2_1.jar string (java cryptography extension).


Installing PayAndShop

To install PayAndShop merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the payandshop.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing Plug'n Pay

To be able to use Plug'n Pay, put the certificates to the ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/certs/ directory and then perform the following steps to install Plug'n Pay merchant gateway:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the pnpapi.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing PSiGate

As mentioned in Merchant Gateway Manager (Admin guide), when PSiGate is set up, H-Sphere generates names for *.der files. You should store Certificate and Key sent by PSiGate using the generated filenames in the /hpshere/home/cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/psigate directory.

If you received files in the .pem format, you must convert them into the .der format. To do it:

  1. Log into you control panel server as user cpanel;
  2. Go to /hpshere/home/cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/psigate directory;
  3. Run the following utilites substituting 'your_file' with your own:
  4. for certificate: openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in your_file.pem -out your_file.der
    for key: openssl rsa -inform PEM -outform DER -in your_file.pem -out your_file.der

To install PSiGate, do the following:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the ccc_ssl.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing SecureTrading

To install Secure Trading merchant gateway, you need to download xpay.zip from SecureTrading and place this file into /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/XPay directory on your control panel server. To do this:

  1. Log into your control panel server and go to XPay directory.
  2. Unpack xpay.zip by running the command:
    unzip xpay.zip
  3. Copy XPay.jar file into /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/java_rt directory
  4. Create keystore file for XPay client by using the following command:
    keytool -import -file securetradingxpay.cer -alias xpay -keystore xpay
  5. Edit examplepolicy file and set the correct path to your keystore file, e.g:
    keystore file: /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/XPay/xpay
  6. Go to the startup directory and edit xpay.sh file. You should modify the following variables: XPAYPOLICY, CLASSPATH and JAVAPATH. See configuration options:
    1. Set the location of the policy file
    2. Set the location of the XPay jar file:
    3. Set path to java executable:
  7. Run xpay.sh script to start XPay client.

Note: To get more information about XPay client configuration, please read the Readme.txt file which is included into the xpay.zip bundle.


Configuring Skipjack

In July 2002 Skipjack has updated its ssl certificate and its new certificate is trusted by Equifax. Since the standard java cartcerts file doesn't include Equifax public certificate, H-Sphere returns "Connect error, untrusted server cert chain" when trying to connect to the merchant gateway. To fix this, use the keytool feature available in the standard java installation:

  1. Download equifax.crt.cer file:
    wget http://www.psoft.net/shiv/files/merchants/equifax.crt.cer
  2. Place the equifax.crt.cer file in the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/ directory
  3. As root, allow read/write access to the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts file
    chmod 666 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  4. Log in as the cpanel user:
    su -l cpanel
  5. Go to the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/ directory:
    cd /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/
  6. Run the following command:
    keytool -import -alias equifax -file equifax.crt.cer -keystore cacerts
  7. Enter the password to make an access to the cacerts file (the default password is: "changeit")
  8. As root, change permissions back on the /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts file:
    chmod 444 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/security/cacerts


Installing SurePay

To install SurePay merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the ppsdk.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing VeriSign Payflow Pro

To install Verisign Payflow Pro merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. Get registered with the Online Processing Center and obtain the signio.jar file.
  2. Put the lib file into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  3. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  4. Restart Control Panel.


Installing VeriSign Payflow Pro (with SSL support)

To configure Verisign Payflow Pro merchant gateway, use the following procedure:

  1. pfpro_java.tar.gz contains a file with SSL certificate from VeriSign Payflow Pro.
    Put it somewhere in your system, e.g: ~cpanel/shiva/psoft.config/certs/.
  2. Enter the path to this SSL file in your admin CP-> Settings-> Merchant Gateway ->Payflow Pro (with SSL support) settings.
  3. Put the Verisign.jar file obtained from the Online Processing Center into in the directory ~cpanel/java.rt/.
  4. Edit /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/apache/etc/jserv.properties to include the following string:
  5. Restart Control Panel.

Related Docs:  

Merchant Gateway Manager (Admin Guide) Restarting H-Sphere

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